Achieve Youthful Glow with Sublative RF Microneedling Treatment

Sublative RF Microneedling Treatment

Revitalize Your Skin with Sublative RF Microneedling

Experience the Future of Skin Resurfacing

At Dr. Treece’s practice, we’re passionate about delivering the latest advancements in skincare, and one treatment that’s been garnering rave reviews is Sublative Radiofrequency Microneedling. This cutting-edge procedure combines the power of radiofrequency technology with the precision of microneedling to rejuvenate your skin like never before.

What is Sublative Radiofrequency Microneedling?

Sublative Radiofrequency Microneedling is the pinnacle of micro skin resurfacing. Our patients adore the remarkable results it provides. The treatment harnesses the potential of Bipolar Radiofrequency, delivered through an array of multi-electrode pens. Unlike traditional approaches, Sublative focuses on heating the deep dermal layers while minimizing epidermal damage. This unique combination allows your skin to heal and regenerate from within, leaving the surface relatively untouched.

Benefits of Sublative Radiofrequency Microneedling

Gentle Resurfacing

Experience the magic of microneedling as it revitalizes your skin without causing significant surface injury.

Minimal Downtime

Sublative treatment typically results in temporary erythema and edema that subsides within 12-24 hours. The sandpaper-like texture of your skin after treatment is a sign that the rejuvenation process is underway, without the inconvenience of peeling.

Gradual Improvement

Enjoy immediate, albeit temporary, enhancement after each session, with the most substantial results becoming evident 2-4 months post-treatment. The degree of improvement varies based on your skin’s condition and your chosen treatment intensity.

Book Your Sublative Session

Is Sublative Right for You?

Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care. We will thoroughly discuss your skin’s needs and condition to determine if Sublative Radiofrequency Microneedling is the ideal solution for you. This treatment is available as both a standalone option and in cost-effective packages. While it is commonly used on the face and neck, it can also work wonders on various areas of the body.

Schedule Your Consultation

Ready to embark on a journey towards smoother, more youthful skin? Contact us today to explore the possibilities of Sublative Radiofrequency Microneedling and rediscover your natural beauty. Your skin’s future is brighter than ever.

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