Lip Enhancement Treatment

A Safe and Effective Lip Enhancement
Enhance Your Lips and Erase Lip Lines
Rediscover Beautiful Lips
Achieving the perfect pout is now simpler than ever, whether you were born with it or not. As the years pass, your lips may lose their fullness, and those pesky vertical lines above them can appear, even if you’ve never smoked a day in your life. Let’s dive deeper into the remarkable solutions that await you.
Discovering Naturally Fuller Lips
Fuller lips are within reach, whether you’ve always wanted them or have lost volume over time. Our array of filler options can help. To ensure your comfort, we apply prescription numbing cream and incorporate anesthetic into the filler. Achieving natural fullness is an art, and our approach enhances your lips along their natural contours.
Crafting Your Perfect Lips
Creating naturally enhanced lips is an artistic endeavor. Unlike overblown “hotdog” lips, we prioritize enhancing your lips in harmony with their natural shape. We also pay attention to the philtrum, the subtle ridges that run from your upper lip to your nose, ensuring a balanced upper lip appearance.
Balancing Your Smile and Profile
During the injection process, we meticulously assess and adjust to achieve symmetrical results. We address one side first, allowing you to provide input on your desired outcome. We evaluate your smile and profile to ensure evenness, avoiding the risk of unintended results, such as a “bucktoothed” appearance.
Lip Flip Explained
A lip flip, utilizing Tox, is a subtle yet effective technique to enhance your lips. This procedure involves the strategic injection of Tox into the muscles surrounding the upper lip. By relaxing these muscles, the upper lip gently flips upward, creating a natural and appealing lip curvature. It’s an ideal choice for those seeking a discreet enhancement to their lip appearance without the need for traditional fillers, providing a soft and refined result.
Battling Lip Lines
Defending Against Lip Lines
Preventing lip lines is essential. Avoid smoking and sipping through straws, but don’t skimp on kissing! Training yourself to smile while speaking can help prevent these lines and enhance your overall demeanor.
Early Intervention With Emerging Lines
When you notice lip lines forming, early intervention is crucial. It typically involves minimal filler or Botox, sometimes combined with skin treatments. These measures are highly effective in preventing lines from deepening.
Managing Deep and Abundant Lines
Severe lip lines require a comprehensive approach. Relying solely on filler may lead to an unnatural look. The solution involves a series of microneedling or CO2 treatments to resurface the skin. Botox is used to prevent pursing, and a lightweight filler complements the treatment. It may take multiple sessions to achieve desired results, and complete removal may not always be possible.
Choose Prevention or Transformation
Contact Us For Your Desired Lips
Whether you seek luscious lips or aim to combat emerging lines, we have the answers. Schedule your consultation today and enhance your lips with confidence. We have the lip fillers you need, can deliver a lustrous lip enhancement and give you the lip lines treatment for your needs, leading to a lip rejuvenation to envy.