3 Cosmetic Uses for Botox Treatment

Are you wondering what effect Botox has on your physical features? You’ve come to the right place! Starting with a minimal dose, this cosmetic treatment can take care of several types of skin problems that can impact your self-esteem and confidence.

It typically takes a couple of minutes and you don’t have to be anesthetized for it. Research shows that one of the most popular non-invasive procedures in 2017 was Botox. Here are some important cosmetic uses for this treatment. 

Facial Wrinkles

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, nearly 7 million people got Botox treatments in 2016. Since it obstructs signals from your nerves to the muscles, the injected muscle is unable to contract, which softens and relaxes your wrinkles. Many people fear aging because it takes a toll on their physical appearance.

Wrinkles and fine lines can form on your upper face, i.e., between your eyebrows, on the side of your eyes known typically as crow’s feet or develop as fine lines on your forehead. They can also form around your nose region and under your eyes; on your lower face as marionette lines, smoker lines, or chin line, and on your neck.

An experienced plastic surgeon can identify which muscles are causing wrinkles to appear on your face, or target only those specific muscles. This way, you can achieve a more youthful, smoother appearance that helps you age gracefully.

Brow Lift

Your brow’s position is dependent on how well your muscles are working below and above it. One of the muscles, the corrugator muscle, pulls your eyebrows toward and down the center, while the frontalis muscles lift your eyebrows.

The tail of your brow is also moved by the orbicularis oculi muscle, so consulting a specialist about Botox can help you attain the perfect brow position that you’re seeking.

If you want your eyes to exude an open look, you can also get an eyebrow lift or an arching of your brow’s tail. The lift in your eyebrows may not sound substantial, but it is sufficient for a visible improvement.

Lip Lines

If you feel conscious that your lips don’t look the way you want, Botox treatment can help you achieve your desired smile. Deep lip lines or pursed lips can both be treated through Botox, no matter how many or how deep your lip lines are.

Even if these skin issues have recently emerged, you should consider treating them early as it’ll only require a small amount of the injection.

Looking for effective Botox treatment in Metairie, LA? Southern Aesthetics offers skin tightening treatment, laser hair removal, velashape treatment, wrinkle fillers, and much more, with a caring and professional staff! Book an appointment today with the experts to improve your physical health!

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